The Bottom
The Bottom

The Bottom

#Branding | #Socials

The Bottom is a social media profile focused on forex trading, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and related financial topics. A friend contacted me to develop a logo, branding, and social post templates for his Twitter and Telegram channels. I created a comprehensive brand kit that included a logo in different colours, social post templates, and a cover image for his Twitter profile.


  • Primary Goal: Develop a strong brand identity for The Bottom that reflects its focus on financial markets and trading.
  • Secondary Objectives: Create reusable social media templates and cover images to enhance The Bottom's online presence on Twitter and Telegram.


  • Client Consultation: Discussed the vision and goals for The Bottom with my friend to ensure the branding aligned with his content and target audience.
  • Logo Design: Created a logo in various colour schemes to provide flexibility and ensure the brand stands out across different platforms.
  • Social Media Templates: Designed social post templates that my friend can reuse, ensuring consistency and professionalism in his posts.


  • Logo and Branding: Developed a versatile logo that reflects the financial focus of The Bottom. Provided multiple colour options to maintain visual interest across different uses.
  • Brand Kit: Compiled a comprehensive brand kit that includes the logo, colour palette, fonts, and design guidelines to ensure consistency.
  • Social Media Assets: Created social post templates for Twitter and Telegram, as well as a cover image for the Twitter profile. These assets were designed to be easily customisable for different types of content.


  • Results: Successfully established a cohesive and professional brand identity for The Bottom. The social media templates and cover image enhanced the visual appeal and consistency of the project's online presence.
  • Client Feedback: Positive feedback from my friend, who appreciated the professional design and the ease of using the provided templates.

Challenges & Learnings

  • Challenges Faced: Ensuring the branding was versatile enough to cover a wide range of financial topics while maintaining a cohesive look.
  • Key Learnings: The importance of providing flexible and reusable design assets to maintain consistency across different types of content.

Visuals & Media



  • "The branding and social media templates designed for The Bottom have significantly improved the professional look of my content. The reusable templates make it easy to maintain a consistent style." – Friend and Client

Links & References

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